Caring Families Society
Empowering foster caregivers of the Vancouver Island Region
What services does the Caring Families Society provide?
Area Coordinators
There are Area Coordinators available to assist foster parents in obtaining current and accurate information; support services to caregivers including training and development; and peer support in Victoria, Cowichan Valley, Nanaimo, Port Alberni, Comox Valley, Campbell River, and Port Hardy.
Peer Support Groups
Opportunities for foster parents to network through the development, organization and scheduling of Peer Support Groups, which are meaningful and effective, and best meet the needs of foster parents in the VI Region.
Peer Mentoring Program
A Mentor is an experienced foster parent who will act as a trusted advisor, friend or support person and reduce the isolation foster parents may experience. The goals of mentoring are to increase the retention rate of foster homes, provide foster parents with a support network and information, and to help prevent placement breakdown.
Investigation and Resolution Support Team
Formerly the Protocol Support Team, the Investigation and Resolution Support Team provides support to caregivers involved in investigation processes, including the organization, training and supervision of volunteer support workers.
Region-wide Communication
The Island Connection: comprehensive newsletter, published five times per year and distributed to all foster parents free of charge. Area Offices: located in Victoria and Nanaimo.
MCFD Team Building Meetings
Identification, presentation and management of common issues for caregivers.
Ongoing Training
Opportunities for foster parents to further their skills and knowledge development.
Our Mission Statement
The Caring Families Society is a CARF Accredited, non-profit grassroots organization whose purpose is to administer support and education services to family care network caregivers within the Vancouver Island Region.
All caregivers in the Vancouver Island Region holding a Family Care Home agreement with the BC Ministry of Children and Family Development have the right to access any and all of the services provided by this organization.
Working cooperatively with the Ministry of Children and Family Development, Foster Caregivers, the CF Society shares the responsibility for providing meaningful Education, Support and Networking opportunities to Foster Caregivers in our fostering community.
What is Caring Families Society?
The Caring Families Society is a CARF Accredited, non-profit grassroots organization whose purpose is to administer support and education services to family care network caregivers within the Vancouver Island Region.
All caregivers in the Vancouver Island Region holding a Family Care Home agreement with the BC Ministry of Children and Family Development have the right to access any and all of the services provided by this organization.
Working cooperatively with the Ministry of Children and Family Development, Foster Caregivers, the CF Society shares the responsibility for providing meaningful Education, Support and Networking opportunities to Foster Caregivers in our fostering community.
We work to establish a nurturing environment for caregivers—“A Supportive Culture”—that empowers the foster parents of the region to become involved, enriches their understanding of Ministry expectations, and increases their caregiver competency, awareness, and accountability.
The Caring Families Society works with a board of directors alongside staff members in our grass-roots organization.
View the 10 responsibilities that the Board and Staff of CFS Society commit to.
Learn about foster care organizations on Vancouver Island and MCFD Social Worker descriptions.