Life Books

What is a Life Book?

A Life Book is an informal record of the people and events in the child’s life while they are in care. Life Books give children a sense of personal history and continuity.

Who is required to have a Life Book?

Every child who is likely to remain in care for more than six months has a Life Book. It is jointly maintained by the child’s social worker, the child, and the caregiver/s. The foster parent will usually look after the book. When a child leaves care, the Life Book is given to him/her.

Consider keeping a photo album or scrapbook for mementos and activities for children in respite care or in your home briefly to commemorate their time with you. If children stay in care longer than expected, you will have a good start on their Life Book and their story will have continuity.

What goes into a Life Book?

These are some items that might be included in a child or youth’s Life Book:

  • Pictures of the child, including dates
  • Pictures and mementos from/with biological family
  • Pictures and names of foster family, friends, and pets
  • Report cards, school products or projects
  • Certificates of achievement, awards, badges, and ribbons
  • Letters from friends and relatives
  • Souvenirs from trips, concerts, and sporting events
  • Stories, letters, and drawings by the child

What Next?

Caring Families Society provides Life Book workshops in many areas and has templates available. To find out about this training, or to get some suggestions, examples, or hands on help, contact your local coordinator.

If you have a completed Life Book, FPSS Society can help you create a digital copy to have on hand in case the original is damaged or lost.

Greater Victoria (Regional Office)

Greater Victoria: 778-430-5459
Toll free: 1-888-922-8437

Cowichan Valley Local Coordinator

Tel: 250-618-8327

Nanaimo Coordinator

Tel: 250-618-8327

Port Alberni Local Coordinator

Tel: 250-735-1124

Comox Valley Local Coordinator

Tel: 250-986-7929

Upper Island Coordinator

Tel: 250-204-1566

Port Hardy Local Coordinator

Tel: 1-888-922-8437

Contact the Regional Office for More Information

If you have any questions or need support, call us toll free at
1-888-922-8437 or email
Monday to Thursday, 8:30am to 4:00pm
Fridays, 8:30am to 1:00pm

Welcome to our new website! The Foster Parents Support Services Society (FPSSS) is now the Caring Families Society. We still are the same organization, supporting BC family caregivers with a wide range of education and support services.