Mandatory Foster Parent Training

The changes we have been expecting have arrived.
As of December 2019, BCFCE (British Columbia Foster Care Education Program) has been replaced by the NEW mandatory foster parent training program, PRIDE In-Service (Parent Resources Information Development Education). PRIDE In-Service is developed, managed, and delivered by the Ministry of Children and Family Development and all registrations will go through your Resource Worker.

PRIDE replaces BCFCE

Caregivers who have not completed BCFCE will be required to take PRIDE. PRIDE consists of an estimated 55 hours of online training over 40 weeks. From what we understand, caregivers will move through the program in groups, with a new group starting each week. Although caregivers can work at their own pace to some degree, they will be required to keep up with their group. Again, this is based on what we know at this point. Contact your Resource Worker for more information on these details.

CF Society cannot register foster parents for this program as it is the ministry’s program. Contact your Resource Worker to find out when the next group starts and for the information (link, password etc.) you need to register. If you are a relatively new caregiver, you may have already completed the PRIDE Pre-Service Training as part of the approval process. PRIDE In-Service is the next step in your fostering journey. Completion of the mandatory training is required by Policy 8.7 of the Resource Work Policies. (see below)

Parent Resources Information Development Education

Contact your Resource Worker to Register.

Ministry of Children and Family Development

Last Revised July 2019

Chapter 8: Resource Work Policies

Policy 8.7 Caregiver Continuing Learning and Education.
Effective Date of Policy: March 1, 2017
Amendment Date: April 1, 2019

Policy Statement

Caregivers continue to access learning and attend training sessions to improve their caregiving knowledge and skills. Caregivers attend mandatory training sessions within the required time frame, and while they have a Family Care Home Agreement in place.


  • Learning plans are developed in collaboration with caregivers and outline how learning needs and mandatory training will be addressed.
  • Caregivers are supported at the time of approval and during reviews to meet their learning needs and mandatory training requirements.
  • Learning plans are continually reviewed and updated in collaboration with the caregiver, as the caregiver’s learning needs evolve.
  • Caregivers have more knowledge and skills and are able to provide a higher quality of care.

Post-Approval Training

Inform all caregivers who sign a family care home agreement or contract that they must complete the mandatory ministry approved caregiver training within the required time frame.

  • After advising the caregiver about the post-approval training, refer the caregiver to the regional agency that provides the mandatory training.
  • Regularly discuss with the caregiver their progress with the training program, and identify and address barriers affecting successful completion.
  • When the caregiver completes the mandatory training, document the date the program was completed and the title of the program in the resource file. Additional training is also documented in the resource file.

Resource Work Policy page 26-28

Welcome to our new website! The Foster Parents Support Services Society (FPSSS) is now the Caring Families Society. We still are the same organization, supporting BC family caregivers with a wide range of education and support services.