Monday To Friday 8:30am To 4:30pm
If an emergency happens during regular office hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 to 4:30), call your child’s social worker or team leader. If you must leave a message, stress that it is URGENT with the receptionist. You might also call your resource worker for advice.
After Hours
Since many emergencies occur outside normal business hours, the Ministry maintains an “After Hours” duty worker line, contact number is 1-800-663-9122. Foster parents are encouraged to call this number concerning any crisis or emergency.
Foster Parent Support Line
In addition, the Foster Parents Support Line is available at 1-888-495-9122 for any immediate concern related to a child in care. This number will provide you with a fast response for urgent issues including professional support, information and consultation on managing a child in care.
Ministry Helpline For Children
If you are reporting abuse or neglect of a child after hours, you would dial the operator and ask for the Ministry Helpline for Children or dial 310-1234.
Investigation and Resolution Support Worker
If you have received information that there will be an Investigation (Formerly Protocol Investigation) of your home, it is recommended that you contact the Regional Investigation and Resolution Support Team Leader at 1-888-922-8437. You will be assigned a support person in your area who will guide you through the process, answer your questions and provide support as needed.