Our Programs & Services

We Strive to Engage

The FPSS Society will strive to engage the foster parents of the region in a participative, empowered process that will build Pride, Commitment and Momentum through widespread communication, participation and involvement.

All caregivers in the Vancouver Island Region holding a Family Care Home agreement with the BC Ministry of Children and Family Development have the right to access any and all of the services provided by this organization.

By involving the fostering community in the strategy process, we build a stronger understanding and appreciation of the mutual goals and objectives of the Ministry, the organization, and the caregivers.

The FPSS Society will develop, enhance, facilitate and deliver the following services:

  • Support services to caregivers who have a family care home agreement with the Ministry;
  • Facilitate networking and enhanced communication amongst caregivers, and between caregivers and the Ministry;
  • Deliver the BC Foster Care Education Program curriculum – 53 hour mandatory training for foster parents.
  • Work in partnership with Ministry staff in the Recruitment of Family Care Home caregivers;
  • Provide on-going training workshops, the Safe Babies Program, Mentoring Program and Peer Support Groups.

We are Committed

The FPSS Society is committed to the firm conviction that every foster parent, regardless of their ethnic, religious or cultural background, is entitled to access the peer support, networking, on-going training opportunities, and the BC Foster Care Education Program provided by this organization.

The FPSS Society is also committed to the firm conviction that every child, regardless of their ethnic, religious or cultural background, is entitled to a safe, stable, nurturing, and healthy environment in which to grow and flourish. It is their belief that foster parents must avail themselves of support and training opportunities in order to achieve and deliver the highest possible standards of care for the children and youth in their homes, to enable children in care to attain their maximum potential as members of society.

The FPSS Society fully comprehends the need for proactive partnership and teambuilding, and we believe in open and transparent accountability processes – we know we cannot apply old techniques and expect new results. We are committed to the success of foster parents; and recognize the importance of effectively managing change to achieve a successful, sustainable future for the foster parents of this region.

The members of the Society fully comprehend the rewards and challenges of foster parenting, and so are in the position to identify and deliver the support services most beneficial to foster parents. They are volunteers, dedicated to improving and enhancing the foster care system at the Grassroots level. They promote high quality in-home childcare practices; encourage on-going training, skill and knowledge development for caregivers; and fully appreciate the need for support services to enable foster parents to effectively manage the stresses and pressures foster parenting can place on them, and on their families.

The FPSS Society is working cooperatively with the Ministry to deliver relevant, meaningful support services to caregivers. We have a comprehensive understanding of MCFD Policy and Procedures and adhere to their standards at all times. New and changing policies and procedures are studied and the caregivers of the region are advised of the new information, and implications. Area Coordinators are required to review Ministry Policy and Procedure information and have copies on hand for easy reference. Copies of Ministry publications are available through our offices, to assist caregivers in keeping up-to-date re Ministry expectations.

The FPSS Society provides sensitive and culturally relevant services to all caregivers, including aboriginal caregivers. The services demonstrate a respect for differences in age, ability, sexual orientation, culture, spirituality and lifestyle.

FPSS Society Program Services and initiatives include, but are not limited to:

  • Area / Local Coordinators – Victoria, Cowichan, Nanaimo, Port Alberni, Courtenay, Campbell River, Port Hardy
  • Caregiver Peer Support Services
  • On-going Training Events
  • Enhanced Communication among Caregivers
  • BC Foster Care Education Program
  • Safe Babies Program
  • Mentoring Program
  • Crisis Response and Stabilization
  • Support to Caregivers Involved in Protocol Processes
  • Identification, Presentation, and Management of Common Issues for Caregivers
  • Recruitment of New Family Caregivers, Foster Hope
  • Continuous Quality Improvement
  • Addressing the Individualized Needs of Caregivers

Welcome to our new website! The Foster Parents Support Services Society (FPSSS) is now the Caring Families Society. We still are the same organization, supporting BC family caregivers with a wide range of education and support services.